Expert in industrial boiler manufacturing since 1947
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Biomass-fired boilers

The boiler consists of a firebox with a special, fireproof masonry, a multi-zone combustion chamber and a preheating system with combustion air, and a flue-shaped heat exchanger. The introduction of multiple combustion air and preheating of the combustion air ensures perfect combustion. The moving grate structure and robust design also make the unit suitable for burning high ash fuel


General presentation

Our company manufactures Hungarian-made, self-developed equipment, which surpasses the generally available cheap foreign equipment in terms of control and combustion parameters. The technology is not made up of prefabricated modules, but of a system assembled according to the customer's needs, so there is no need to compromise during the installation, which can be a disadvantage later in operation. When designing the boiler plant, it was important not to have to create recesses (shaft, assembly tunnel, etc.) in the boiler house, as this can be a problem during the architectural design of the boiler house and during subsequent operation.

The recommended equipment is suitable for the automatic burning of sawdust, wood chips or shredded waste wood.

The boiler consists of a special combustion device and a heat exchanger unit designed according to the available fuel. The heat exchanger is a welded, horizontal boiler with large cleaning and service doors.

The combustion unit is a specially designed unit with fireproof masonry, which has excellent combustion parameters due to the multi-zone combustion air inlet and the air preheating system. The movable grate structure built into the burner ensures perfect burnout of the fuel. The incinerator has an ash collection and removal system.

Fuel is dispensed automatically, under the supervision of the PLC control built into the electrical control cabinet, or in the event of a malfunction, manually via a large fire door located at the front of the burner. The PLC built into the control cabinet monitors the entire boiler room technology, from silo storage to flue gas discharge.

An automatic air purge pipe cleaning system can be added to the recommended boiler, which significantly increases the cleaning cycle. The dirty boiler is signaled to the operator by the built-in automation.

The boilers are products of a Hungarian-owned company, developed in Hungary and manufactured in Hungary!

The boilers can be made in series or vertically.

In the series arrangement, the heat exchanger is coaxial with the combustion device, in the continuation of the combustion device. (Lower ceilings are required, but boiler technology is located on a larger floor area.)
In the case of vertical arrangement, the heat exchanger is located on the combustion plant. (Higher ceilings are required than for series layout, but boiler technology is located on a smaller floor area.)

Fuel can be dispensed in both arrangements via a screw system or by hydraulic dosing.

We undertake the combustion technical testing of individual biomass-based fuels with the sample equipment operated at our site. Based on the results of the study, we also undertake the production and installation of custom-developed equipment.

Advantages of biomass boilers

Today, biomass boilers offer a modern alternative to economical and environmentally friendly energy use.

  • These modern plants can run on the following fuels:
    • firewood chips (produced from soft or hardwood forests, from sawmill waste or from softwood energy plantations),
    • sawdust (sawdust by-product),
    • straw,
    • energy grass,
    • pellets made from them.
  • The fuel can be obtained in advance from the manufacturers, but agricultural and other companies producing organic, combustible by-products can even maintain free operation.
  • Thanks to the unique design of the biomass boiler, it is environmentally friendly, as it does not emit harmful carbon dioxide into the environment during its operation, but it is also cost-effective, because not only its maintenance but also its operation is financially advantageous.
  • The combustion efficiency of the biomass boiler is over 90% and its output can be reliably controlled.

Contact us with confidence if you need modern and reliable boilers!

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